How to Clean Mould Shower Head
Over time if you do not properly take care of a shower head, a daily shower is not quite going to leave you as clean as you may think. This is due to the fact that the water used to wash will be dirty from the bacteria which the water picks up on its way through the shower head. Recent research actually found that almost a third of tested shower heads contained bacteria which can be associated with pulmonary disease.
Now before you begin to worry too much, the first thing to remember is that these are only a few examples and that it doesn’t necessarily mean all dirty shower heads are going to make you sick. Secondly, it takes very little effort to clean the heads of your showers in the home. Here are some insights into cleaning your shower.
How Often Should You Clean Your Shower Head
The deposits are left in a shower over time in the small holes from where the water flows. For a shower to reach a dangerous level it would usually take years for enough bacteria to be deposited. With this in mind, a seasonal clean will be more than enough, so consider cleaning your shower head at least every 3 months.
Deep Clean First
If it has been a long time since your shower has seen any level of cleaning then start off with a deep clean. The great news is that you won’t require any bathroom products here, simply add 3 cups of hot water to a single cup of vinegar, and mix it in a bowl. Remove the head, give it a shake to get rid of excess water and place it in the bowl for 30 minutes.
Using an old toothbrush, give the shower head a good scrub inside and out, put it back in the water for 10 minutes and then repeat. Rinse the head thoroughly and then let it fully dry in the air.
Quarterly Maintenance
To make sure that your showers are clean and free from bacteria, give the head a scaled down version of the deep clean every 3 months. Simply remove the head, spray it with some vinegar water – again 3 cups to 1. Give the head a quick scrub and a rinse, then reattach.
Nickel Shower Head
If you have a nickel plated shower head then using vinegar could cause some level of discoloration. In this case, simply use hot, soapy water and give it a scrub with an old brush. The acidity of the vinegar could cause more harm than good here, which is why basic soap or bathroom products designed for nickel would be a much smarter option.
Washing yourself with water which is bacteria rich can cause a wealth of potential issues, and ultimately it goes against the point of showering in the first place. Be sure to stick to a good cleaning routine of your shower to ensure that your showers are every bit as clean as they should be.